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Saint Arnold Janssen Site, Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City, Cebu 6000

Our first observations there were the fact that

the physical environment seems to be affected by the lack of proper waste management, with canals filled with garbage and blackened water.


Additionally, the inadequate drainage system contributes to flooding during heavy rains.  The social environment is characterized by challenges in education, safety, and even drug abuse, as we were warned about it.

we interviewed two (2) of the parokyas named
nanay Elizabe
th and Neliza

Nanay Neliza:

  • Nanay Neliza has lived in the community for 28 years.

  • She chose the place because it was close to the school her children were going to

  • The construction of the chapel during her time has been a significant change.

  • The community faced challenges during the pandemic, affecting her small store and her children's education.

  • Identified problems include the lack of attention to students by parents, especially at night.

  • Emphasized the importance of education for community prosperity.

​“If there is no education then our community would be pitted against .”

Elizabeth E. Gadiane:

  • Nanay Elizabeth has been living in the community since birth, following her father's footsteps.

  • The community came together to construct a chapel, demonstrating unity.

  • The major problems identified include poor drainage and drug use.

  • Despite the challenges, there is a lack of government intervention, and the community takes matters into its own hands, cleaning canals and sewage pipes

”I dream that we, as a community will unite”

Common Problems

  • The community suffers with flooding because of heavy rainfall.


  • Nanay Elizabeth also stated that before the new parish was built, water from heavy rainfall would usually get in the now old parish.

  • Combined with heavy rainfall and bad sewage management causes it to flood.​​


  • The usage of drugs is also very high in the community.

  • The lack of parental supervision allows the child to roam as a he please, which is not a good thing in their area as terrible things happen.

Constant flooding


Saint Arnold Janssen Site


  • Better flood management

  • Cleaner area 


  • Survey on the specific affected part of the community 

  • Reach out to Barangay officials, request personnel for waste management 

  • Coordinate for a schedule on waste management and cleaning

  • offer realistic solutions about trash disposal and flood control. 

Truck Collector 

Coordinate scheduled truck for garbage with officials. Collecting may be a simple idea, but it can very much help in the long term with how much trash we've seen surrounding the place


DiY Flood drainage

these simple but effective drainage systems can be a shallow stream dug up in just a few days and can be very effective in helping to flush out water during heavy rains

Trash Exchange program

For this activity, we will be setting up a little shop where trash anyone collects can be weighed and finally turned into Food and money which we will give to them. This not only gives initiative to pick up the trash and organize, but can also be a way for them to eat and get extra money.


the Experience
with the Lessons
Learned in Philosophy


Engaging with the community, we cultivated a profound comprehension through shared experiences and conversations.


Their faces left a lasting impact upon us, creating a connection that enables us to share and comprehend each other's thoughts and perspectives.


Their participation in various games during parish immersion facilitated active engagement with the community creating a relationship with these individuals.


The interviews reveal the reciprocal relationship between individuals and their surroundings. The environment shapes the lives of the residents.


However, within the community, varying attitudes toward the environment were evident.



While some demonstrated care for their surroundings,  knowing that the government probably won't help them, have started to do things in their own way. But, others were indifferent, contributing to issues such as littering and shady work.


The affect social society had on these people are affecting how they view themselves, influencing them to do malicious things.


We can assume that these people are forced into calculative thinking, making them do these acts to get instant profit or gratification.



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